Le loro testimonianze
Scoprite le loro esperienze
Essere Business Manager significa incarnare lo spirito di iniziativa e leadership. Ogni giorno si tratta di affrontare sfide stimolanti e vedere l'impatto diretto delle proprie azioni sulla crescita del proprio portafoglio. È una carriera in cui autonomia e soddisfazione vanno di pari passo.
Matteo, Cybersecurity Engineer at MCA Italy
Marco, Robotic Engineer at MCA Italia
Fredrik, Director at MCA Sweden
"What I like the most it's all the interactions ! To speak with people, to meet people, to be around people all the day"
Timothée, AGV Architect
I joined Renault FLINS as an AGV architect. On a daily basis, I design tracks for self-guided vehicles...
Lamine, consultant at FRAMATOME
Through the diversity of the missions at MCA, we have the chance to discover many different activities.
A real added value in our career!
Sarah, embedded electrical and electronic systems engineer
On the blog we talk with Sarah, Embedded Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineer, on mission at Framatome in the nuclear sector